
The Reason For No Season

I love the distinctiveness of each meteorological season in the MidAtlantic. You typically get summers in the 100s, winters in the 30s, springs and autumns in the ascending and descending betweens.

Winter can be cheery and cozy indoors, with special food and drink to get us through the colder, shorter days. Often distant family and friends vacation from work, and we gather from the four corners with time to enjoy fellowship undiluted. All this I love, and would never derogate. These things are what really matter at the turn of each year.

However, all pretended ritual or sacred significance in this or any other month or day is a worthless fantasy and a product of foolish imagination. Indeed, the incarnation (and birth) of our Savior finally culminated in His re-birth, putting an end to all the shadows.

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